
Improve Your Plumbing with Our Suggested Upgrades

When most homeowners have a few extra dollars at the end of the month, putting into their plumbing system isn't the first thing that comes to mind.

Despite that, there are several plumbing upgrades that can save you money in the long run, improve your home's value, and improve your overall quality of life. Here are the best ways to invest in your plumbing:

Get a Tankless Water Heater

AO Smith tankless water heaters ready for installation in North Miami Beach, FLBy and large, once you go tankless, you don't go back. Tankless water heaters last significantly longer than their larger counterparts - sometimes up to twice as long - and typically require less maintenance throughout their lives. By not storing hot water, you can eliminate utilities that go towards cycling/heat loss and make hard water less of an issue. While tankless water heaters are far from perfect (they do require a higher setup and equipment cost, for example), it's hard to say no to lower maintenance costs and endless hot water.

A glass of clean, purifed water, right from the tap

Install a Home Water Purification System

Hard water can be a pain in the you know what. Hard water users have to put up with less effective dishwashers, washing machines, showers that leave them feeling less than clean, and tap water that makes many prefer buying it by the bottle.

Installing a home water purification system is one of those little changes that can eliminate many of the small headaches in your life, and let you enjoy your own tap water again. If you're drinking as much water as doctors say you should, then these savings could quickly add up over time. Even if you're not, the number of times you'll have to re-run your dishwasher will drop significantly, your fixtures won't clog and wear out as quickly, and you'll quickly increase the value of your home. Modern home purification systems require very little maintenance, so you can set it and forget it.

Low flow toilet installed by one of our plumbers

Install Low Flow Fixtures

If your toilet is more than ten years old, it's amazing just how much water you're wasting. Older toilets can easily use 3.5-7 gallons per flush, or 6 to 12,000 gallons a year under normal conditions. Modern low flow toilets are rated at 1.6 GPF while high efficiency toilets only sue 1.28 GPF. That's less than 3,000 gallons a year under normal usage.

Replacing old toilets isn't the only way to save water. Other low flow faucets, shower heads, and spigots have come a long way in recent years, and replacing all of your older equipment can have just as much of a dramatic environmental impact as replacing all of your light bulbs with CFLs.

Our Plumbers in North Highlands Beach, FL Can Show You The Way

If you're ready to get more out of your plumbing system, our North Highlands Beach plumbing team is here to help. We can help you estimate the cost and savings for any upgrades you might have in mind, help you see if they're right for your home and family, or even help you select equipment that will match your style and tastes. Call today to get started on the road to better plumbing.

Let's Get Started »
We install Kohler toiletsWe install and service Moen tankless water heatersWe repair & maintain US Craftmaster tanked water heatersWe install and service Delta faucets and fixtures
Our plumbers proudly serve North Miami Beach, FL, 33160, and surrounding communities. We area  locally owned and operated full service plumber.